14 ways to serve better beer

14 ways to serve better beer

Carefully curating what you craft you have on draught is daft it you’re not taking care of the product you’re pouring. By Jonathan White.

01 Keep it moving

“The best thing you can do for beer,” according to Calvin Jameson, owner of Calvin Beer Company in Hefei, “is to sell it fast. If you’re selling it fast, it stays good, everything is easy.” Jameson admits that this is “probably not the advice a lot of people want to hear” but “if you’re not turning over a really high volume, then having a smaller selection is probably a good choice.” How fast is fast enough? Enter Master Gao: “Sell it as soon as possible – no more than three days, even if it’s stored cold.”

02 Know exactly what it is you’re buying…

Jack Zhang, general manager at Kaiba in Shanghai, suggests that you give your suppliers the third degree: “How do they get it? Is it cold or not? When did they get it? How do they store it?” He advises also taking it further than that: “Some suppliers […]

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