Mutants and Transformers: A Look into the Future of Craft Brewing

Mutants and Transformers: A Look into the Future of Craft Brewing

Illustration by Chi-Yun Lau

Change is the defining characteristic of the American craft brewing industry. Evolving slowly, new trends and fads appear and then solidify or transition to the next form. We started with anything-other-than-light-lagers, Ambers, and light Pale Ales, before shifting into the early ages of wonder. Increased hop levels, decidedly non-Reinheitsgebot-friendly ingredients, booming alcohol counts, and barrel aging followed. Now we’re engulfed in a fog of hazy beers. Looking ahead to the rest of 2018, the rapid transformation and mutation of American craft brewing will undoubtedly persevere. Yet one thing always remains the same: the absence of boredom. So what awaits us in the year ahead? Lager will continue the fight to re-establish its rightful place in the pantheon of beer styles. The quiet but burgeoning interest in Pilsner has me crazy optimistic about the future of lager beer in America. Brewers recognize how delicious clean lagers can be after a long workday, and now they’ll work to convince their customers of the same. Expect more hazy IPA breweries to offer an easy drinking lager to complement […]

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